Saturday, May 2, 2009

Field Trip!

A FB link to pictures of our field trip to the water plant with Shawn.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Speakers Corner: Anonymously

I'm trying to create an anonymous forum for classmates to provide each other with some positive criticsm. Or negative criticism if the classmate is an asshole.

No racism or death threats. Try to be factual and actually say something.

So spread the word and post away.

There were some comments that were out of line and not in the spirit of things. I've removed them and will be keeping an eye out for those things. My sincere apologies.

I know things got off on the wrong foot, but I'm hoping everyone will give it another shot. We could hopefully even use this is a post-graduation portal for communication (ie. if someone's at a company that's hiring, or someone got involved in some really interesting project and wants to let everyone know, etc.)

If something else comes up or you have a suggestion, send me an email.